Eshaan’s Thanksgiving Special

Hello Readers, I’m Eshaan and today I’ll be talking about the well known and celebrated holiday: Thanksgiving. This post will consist of me talking about some of the history of Thanksgiving, 10 things I am grateful for, and I would have talked about what I did on Thanksgiving but since I don’t celebrate it, I can’t unless you guys would like to know what I do on a regular day.

First up I’m going to talk about some of the history of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday  in the United States. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists from England and the Native American tribe, the Wampanoag shared an autumn harvest feast, known more around the USA as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations. How did this whole feast even begin? Well that is what I am about to talk about in a short description. It all began when the Pilgrims, English settlers that traveled to America from England, came to North America on the Mayflower in search of religious freedom, meaning they wanted to practice their religious beliefs freely, so they had to leave because they refused to go with the teachings of the Church of England. After a year of arrival and a harsh winter only half of the original passengers and crew survived to see their first spring. In March, the surviving passengers moved onto the shore. It is said that Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe who kidnapped and got sold to slavery before he escaped to London and then returned back home. Squanto taught the weak and ill Pilgrims how to survive by teaching them how to farm, catch fish, avoid poisonous plants, how to extract sap from maple trees, etc. He also helped the Pilgrim make an alliance with Wampanoag. In November of 1621 the Pilgrims’ first harvest was successful and a feast was organized. There are two ways people believe this went, one was that they invited the Wampanoag and they all feasted for 3 days, or that the pilgrims were celebrating and shooting their guns, the Wampanoag thought their was an attack so they went to investigate. They brought 100 armed warriors, fearing they were going to war, but then found out that the Pilgrims were having a feast and they joined and brought five deer to share. They feasted and celebrated for 3 days, eating fowl, fish, eel, shellfish and possibly cranberries and probably many others. That is the history of how Americans believe the first Thanksgiving went.

Now for the second part,

Ten Things That I Am Grateful For Are

1. Family

2. Education

3. Technology

4. Shelter

5. Food

6. Water

7. Nature

8. Sports

9. Friends

10. Creativity

Thank for reading and Happy Thanksgiving!


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